Smokey’s Buck Forehead Gland Lure


buck lure

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Smokey’s Buck Forehead Gland Lure can be used with Smokey’s Buck Pre-Orbital Gland Lure at the licking branch or around the licking branch. It can also be used on the rub line going to the scrape area or near the scrape. Use Smokey’s Forehead Gland Lure to make a mock rub near the licking branch that has been dosed with Smokey’s Buck Pre-Orbital Gland Lure.To make a mock rub, scrape the bark off a tree or sapling starting at a height of about 2ft. up to about 3ft. above the ground. Then make 4 notches approximately 1/8″ deep in the area where the bark was removed and apply Smokey’s Forehead Gland Lure on the notch shelf.Reapply once a week or after buck activity in the area.


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